Monday, June 18, 2012

Prayers of the Heart Answered

Today I have learned....

Just because it is offered
does not require an acceptance
Just because it is extended your way
doesn't require you to take it on
Just because it shows up in your life
doesn't mean you must take it home
Some strays are meant to stray....
Just because it is requested
doesn't mean you must oblige
Just because it comes in infinite forms
doesn't mean you will want them all
Just because it seems so complex
doesn't mean simplicity is not hidden in the intricately wrapped gift-box of aforementioned!
Just because someone claims they love you
doesn't mean you must receive them in the way they offer....
Or that it is love at all
Your way of holding the space of gratitude and love
to keep abundance flowing
and it may or may not match the vision of the other who stands before you with arms extended
Nor does it mean their way will match yours....
and from this space there is only one truth to declare
I am my own divine fulfillment
I am divinvely free!

Today I learned....
I am fully supported
I am absolutely safe
I am protected in the abundant bubble-sphere of love
that I am
I have infinite opportunities
and endless possibilities
The variety of fruits in the harvest of my life
go on and on and on....
what a surplus of growth
in these fields
of mine, yours, ours
I pick and choose exactly what suits me
There is plenty
I am in fullness
I am energized
I am awake
Sometimes I am asleep
And then I am watching myself dreaming...
or watching myself awake as I sleep
or Dream
One thing I really learned today
The desires of my heart
are always being answered
and when I discern what is what
more prayers fulfilled
more pieces of the mosaic glued down....
Ahhh, a broken bit of china here
a lovely piece of crystal there
Ooo what a lovely painted porcelain bit
Oh and this sliver of ceramic....
Delicious bits of heaven am I....
Tea party with my teddy's
I am carefree
in purest child-likeness
Love Absolute is mine
For it is all that I am
I have learned once again
From my beautiful sister Valerie....
I am all that I seek!

This poem is dedicated to you My sister!
I love you.

June 18, 2012
Francesca Simonelli